Who I am

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Moncton, NB, Canada
Christ-follower. Husband. Dad. Worship Leader. Pastor. Musician.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Art vs. Ministry: Part 7

I'm not sure if this is Art or Ministry, or the best collaboration of both... but whatever it is, it's what I want...

David Crowder Band is probably my favorite "Christian" band. Evidently enough, Crowder is probably one of my favorite worship leaders/writers as well. He and the band have this way of melding instrumentation, worship, rock, ambient sounds, and noise to make masterpieces of music. The song above is an awesome live depiction of just what it is that they do so well.

Wanna know something else? Catherine and I were at this exact concert. It was at New York's City's Hammerstien Ballroom and was amazing. The Myriad opened and they blew the show away for me; they were the opening act.


Unknown said...

You need to check out their new youtube video "rockumentary" It's hilarious.

JamCam said...

I saw it.
I laughed.
"He is the glue that holds this band together".