Who I am

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Moncton, NB, Canada
Christ-follower. Husband. Dad. Worship Leader. Pastor. Musician.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blame it on Texas.

Wow, I've been a terrible blogger as of late. Although I'm still working on a blog to give my review on Fractal Audio's AxeFX, but I figure I better give ya'll a little something before I leave the country for a few days.

Really, not too much to talk about. But, I will blame my lack of blogging on Texas. It's big and can handle it. I'm leaving for Houston, TX tomorrow morning and am really excited (not for 6:06am flight, though). The band seems well rehearsed (hence no time to blog) and we've got a great list of songs to bring to Texas with us. We're playing at a youth conference called Freedom Weekend at Woodsedge Community Church. We were lucky enough to provide the worship at the same event 3 years ago and we had a blast. From what I can remember, the students were really into and we had a great time of worship, shopping, and riding segues. And, hey, to get out of chilly Moncton for a few days is a bonus. Just so you know, it'll be 22º on Thursday and 23º on Friday. Unfortunately, only 15º on Saturday and 14º on Sunday compared to Moncton's -16º and -22º. Bah!

I had a great iChat (Macpower unite!) with my friend, Tim, yesterday and we had a great talk about the state of the church, worship, and art. As faithful followers of each others' blogs, Tim had some great insight on my art vs. ministry debate and had some encouraging words as well. I just finished Reading Rob Bell's "Velvet Elvis" and some of his points really struck a chord with me. Although Bell's insight can be a bit ambitious, he's very passionate about the state of the church and all of Christendom. The book had some basis on Tim and I's conversation regarding missions (not introducing or bringing Christ to them, rather showing them that he's already amongst them and displaying the evidence that they simply cannot see yet) and the church (being relevant isn't necessarily what we need to do as a church; rather, we need to follow Christ's command of loving and serving our communities rather than trying to be or look like this or that). I've also started to read Francis Chan's "Crazy Love" which is supposed to be ground-breaking as far as realizing and exploring God's love for us. I'm sure I'll get a bit of reading done on the plane which is great.

I'm really gonna miss Catherine and Noah ove rthe next few days. Noah is at the stage where he's learning thigns everyday and is just beginning to take his first few steps (his balance isn't there yet) so I'd be bummed if I missed his first few attempts at walking. Also, Cat isn't a fan of being alone but I've made sure Morris (our boxer) is extra attentative to strangers and folks at the door. I've filed his teeth down to a desired sharpness to bite when told. Ok, he woudln't hurt a fly, but he looks and sounds mean.

I'll try to give an update and drop some pics over the weekend if I get the chance. Keep me and the band in your prayers; people in Texas are allowed to carry guns.


timheerebout said...

Have a blast buddy. I'm glad our chat resonated with you.

Max02 said...

Hope the trip back and forth goes well.

Don't worry, we're allowed to carry guns, but we don't get much chance to use them in the city.

Word Verification: inger

What someone says after bashing their finger with a hammer. "Ow! My inger."

Unknown said...

I'm positive morris would probably just pee on any intruder.

JamCam said...

... if the intruders are female.