I’ve never been shy to say that music is a big part of my life. I live it, eat it, breathe it, and sleep it. It’s the “universal language”, so to speak. My wife bought me a used iPod for our first Christmas in 2005. I can say it may have been the most valuable gift I’ve ever received from anyone. She bought it used, it was a bit scuffed up, but it’s served me faithfully for 3 years. It followed me everywhere I went, whether in the car or at work; kind of like a pet. iPet? Anywho… yesterday, at work, my iPod died. I used it everyday at work and it runs about 3-4 hours at my desk in my little iBlaster speaker thingy. It was working fine in the morning until it started making some odd noises. No, I wasn’t listening to Radiohead, it was an internal noise that sounded like an old PC trying to load. Finally, it froze the iPod and when I went to reboot it, an icon of a “sad” iPod came up:

Sad iPod told me to go here:
here and proceeded to inform me that my iPod was having a hardware issue. Well, that’s nice. At least my iPod is smart enough to tell me when’s sick and too old to continue pumping out my jams.
So, now I am on the lookout for a new iPod. These little machines have come a long way since the iPod Photo came out 5 or 6 years ago so I have the choice of getting the sexy, sleek looking iPod Touch with all of its abilities and tricks or pay tribute to the classic, tough, sturdy, and oh-so-plentiful 120G of memory an iPod Classic has come standardized with. There’s also about $150 between the price considering I’d need more than 8G or 16G of memory to even consider an iTouch (I’ve got about 13G of music alone). So, a new debate arises: to touch or not to touch?
I'm sorry your iPod died. I guess it happens to many over long periods of time.
I don't like Macs. It's a personal preference, I guess. I also don't like iPods. I think, like Macs, they're way too not into sharing with other software (completely forgot the word for that). Which is also why I don't like iTunes.
On the flip side, there aren't that many companies putting out a product that can rival all the cool things iPods can do. Sony Walkman has some pretty decent mp3 players, but I don't know of any that do half of the things iPods can do nowadays.
Personally, I'd go for the iTouch. It's so futuristic.
The Touches are nice, but I'd get a shell for it. I can't stand a pretty little iPod turn into a smudgy hunk of hand grease and fingerprints, but I'm OCD like that.
Yeah, I hear ya on the smudges.
I had an iSkin for my iPod and you can't even see fingerprints on it!
I've got a lead on a guy selling his 32G Touch for $250 so I'm going to follow up on that.
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