Who I am

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Moncton, NB, Canada
Christ-follower. Husband. Dad. Worship Leader. Pastor. Musician.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Art vs. Ministry: Part 8 (a turning point?)

It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog… or at least a blog that actually means something to the whole point of this blogsite. While I have thrown in a few words here or there or a video just to let anyone (who might read this) know I’m still alive, I’ve also been very reflective lately and have been really looking into my “Arts vs. Ministry” debate.
Without getting into too many details (since I don’t know all of them myself), I’ll say that I’ve recently been offered an opportunity that has struck interest in me. The opportunity that presents itself requires not only some serious soul-searching but probably includes some changes that’d affect my families current financial, social, and geographic situations. While I can’t say if those would be good or bad things (ignorance is bliss?), they are changes that test your faith and devotion to seeking out God’s will. And, that’s what this whole thing is about: finding and knowing God’s will. Let me flesh my thoughts out for you and fill you in on where I’m coming from.

Over the past few weeks and months, many of my friends have been given some very important and exciting opportunities. Some are venturing into new ministry positions, some are stepping out in faith and making big changes to follow their God-given dreams, some are moving across the country to follow God’s will even though they’re not sure why He’s called them there, and some have had God reveal totally new visions of ministry and impact on their lives. First, let me say that this excites me. Each one of these situations excites me immensely and I’m so happy to see their dependence on Him for finding God’s truth in their lives. Secondly, however, it depresses me. Not only because I hate to see close friends move away or expand physical distance between us, but more so because it seems that I am running to stand still. People are moving on and I am not. I'm still selling bearings and other industrial goods while people are cautiously following His way for them. This frustrates me, yet it has nothing to do with those people at all. Am I not seeking God’s will the right way? Am I not God-ly enough? Am I not reading His Word enough? Do I not pray enough? Am I not willing to step out in faith? Do I not trust my own instincts? Am I ignoring the Spirit’s guidance? I can’t convincingly answer any those questions for myself. I do not believe there is one singular, concrete way for one to find God’s will for their own life. I do, however, believe it is always attained by reading His word, fervently praying, and being mindful of God using certain people and situations to direct that way. It just happens to come differently for each person at different times. I believe I had one of those “situations” the other day in the form of a comment my wife made…

Though this conversation is paraphrased, Catherine and I were talking about God’s will for our lives and she asked me, for her own clarification, what “Jamie” wanted; what I desired. My answer was a conservative, “to either be playing in a band or have a position as a worship pastor”. That wasn’t good enough for her. She continued, “What do YOU want?”
I began to understand what she was getting at. “I want to be playing music. I want to be part of a creative group of musicians who are using their abilities to glorify God.” Catherine gave me a whole new set of questions to think about: Am I trying to be worship leader because it’s easier (to get a job or sustainable paycheck)? Am I just trying to please other people (my wife, my family, my church) and before myself? Just because I enjoy leading worship and enjoy being apart of worship ministry, does that mean I’m meant for it? Can my desire to be an artist/successful musician truly contain the aspects of ministry I long to be fruitful in?

This past weekend, I got an opportunity to travel down to Oxford, NS and watch a group of friends put on a concert at the Nazarene May Rally. I got to have some great conversation with some of the guys before & after and got a glimpse of what God is doing in their own band & lives. It was great to hear God is testing their faith and moving them into a direction that is difficult, but also hopeful and exciting. God isn’t promising them riches nor a multi-album contract deal, but rather the assurance they’re following His will and He will bless them from there. That, to me, would be more rewarding than money and records. These guys are stepping out in faith to take their God-given and God-glorifying art to where God wants it to grow and continue. That’s exciting.

So where does this lead me? Well, I’m not exactly sure, but I believe that I’m a little bit closer to where I should be. As I daily try to become closer to God, both in prayer and in the Word, I am encouraged when I apply these questions to some of the promises we find in God’s Word:
John 16:13 - "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for he will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come."
Proverbs 3:6 – “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
Isaiah 30:20, 21 – “Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
Luke 11:9-10 - "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."
Psalm 37:23 – “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord..."

I believe the day is near where God will reveal His way to Catherine and I. I believe that while we seek His will, he will bless us with great opportunity where we’re both using our gifts and abilities to give glory to Him. Whether that’s a ministry, a band, or a job at a toothpaste factory, I long for Him to speak into my life, change me, and use me to help change others. As I’ve heard prayed many times, “where He leads, I’ll be quick to follow.”

Please pray for Catherine and I (and Noah and Morris too) as we seek for God’s perfect direction for our lives; whatever, wherever, however… we want to know His purpose for us.

So, how about you? Have you ever caught yourself trying to be someone or do something that God hasn't necessarily planned to to be/do? Have you followed alternative options because you didn't think your desires were God's desires for you?


Unknown said...

When I was...well, many years ago, I left a semi-full-time gig in a worship band because I felt it was time to move on. I assumed, for some reason, that I needed to "sacrifice" music. So, I enrolled in YWAM and was about to head overseas. Some of my friends had moved to Vancouver and were bugging me to come out and play music with them. I kept saying "No, that's not me anymore." One day, while praying, I felt this odd whisper saying "Did I ever ASK you to stop playing music?" And it wasn't like the serpent in the garden pulling a "Did God really say...", it was just the realization that I was crediting God with a request He hadn't made. There were tons of things I should have and needed to give up on the path to be a Christ-follower, but something as amoral and defining as music was, at that point, not one of them. So I got back into the game, moved to Vancouver, played NO MUSIC, but started along a path that God has continued to use to mold me into His image.

All that to say; it takes time to turn water into wine.

JamCam said...

Thanks for your comments, Marc.
Like I've stated on this blog before, I have little patience for long-term decisions and certainly finding out my purpose fits under the category.

I imagine by the time I figure it all out, my water will have fermented to wine by age, not miracle.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're at quite an important crossroads! Keep praying and be honest with yourself and God and he will lead you in the way he wants you to go.

Jessy said...

Hi, this is really strange. I don't know how I came across this blog from web surfing, but it had to be a God set up. I am using my wife's gmail account so I can write you since I don't have one. My name is Jamie too and I am from Pennsylvania, USA. I just really felt compelled to write you on this post after I read it. Jess (my wife) and I are worship leaders at my parents church and always had a passion for music. I am 26 now, but 7 years ago I was in a Christian rock band playing close to 200 shows a year. God was calling me out of that ministry (even though I didn't want to leave) when Jess and I were getting married to mature me as a Christian and a husband. Three years ago we felt God was calling us to start working on getting a music ministry started. I have a home recording studio so Jess and I started writing and working on songs that are both evangelistic and worship based. Kind of like Jeremy Camp and Kutless. Working on this album has been challenging since both Jess and I work 40 hr weeks, but we managed to get as far as all the music and some extra production finished. Now the final level is getting the vocals and right lyrics assembled to make it complete. Through this whole project we always had road blocks come in our way designed by the enemy to stop us. We got complacent, fell into depression and frustration set in with the fact that we feel trapped in our jobs and the world system. For the last 3 years we would see all our friends doing what God has called them to do and it would excite us for them, but also sadden us because we feel such a burning for what God is calling us to do that it almost made us scream. I even remember Jess asking me those same words, “What do YOU want?” Recently we learned that yes we are having road blocks, but God in this time is preparing our hearts and minds for this vision. God is starting to stir His people's hearts for the last days are near. We have learned there are many others who feel the same and are in a similar boat. This is a normal reaction to feel this way for God is about to pure out His blessings bigger for us to receive it and it is going to be more intense than any wildest dream. Jess and I now both know that the life we are currently living is going to change quicker than we know to serve Him in a mighty way and we are filled with joy. It comes with hard work, but with great rewards for His Kingdom. The album will be completed soon and we are excided to see how God is going to use it. I have to agree with you. It's not about fame nor fortune, but for His Kingdom come. Stay in His resting place and He will lead your path. Remember what you are going through is a sign for greater works in your life. There are always going to be those road blocks, but we have to decide if we press through or stop for a reason and rest in Him. Follow your dreams and the desires of your heart for God is the one who placed them there. Sometimes we have to get out of our comfort place, take that first step of faith and put it into action. With God on our side nothing can come against us even when the pains set in. You are a Man of God and He will direct you. I'm sorry for the long message, but I really felt God was speaking at me to write these words to you. I hope it can be an encouragement to your life. If you have questions or need more encouragement please feel free to write back anytime. The Christian body needs to edify each other. This is how we grow. Your friend in Christ - Jamie