The lunchroom at my work has a TV. It only has one channel. That channel is CBC. Guess what CBC airs everyday @ 12:00pm-ish? The news. Guess what CBC News is usually running? Economic, politcal, and religious turmoil around the world. Neat. I get to watch more Palestinians vs. Israelites terrorize each other, monotonous updates on the stock market, and the next Stephen Harper beat-down whlie I eat my Michaelena's microwavable mac and cheese. Why can't I enjoy my perservatives in peace? What is the world coming to?
I've never been one to follow politics, economics, or religious warfare all that much. That's not to say it doesn't bother me or that I've become immune to it. I mean, how could I possibly dodge it? It's everywhere. And, maybe the more important question is, how can I help?
Well, the long and short of it is that I can't. Ever since Cain and Able there has been warfare of some sort. Cain's fruits & veggies didn't match up to Able's beef & pork chops. So, he killed him. But, can you blame God for choosing hamburgers over stir-fry? Of course not, but that's neither here nor there. We're so used to seeing violence, martyrdom, material excess, and damage to political system that we tend to discount its importance and le it roll off of our shoulders. At least I so. What about you?
Since I don't follow all this "news" gobbledeegook, I s'pose all the questions I have will never be answered for me:
Why are two religions fighting over a street that separates them?
Why is everyone on Stephen Harper's back if we're the ones who put him there in the first place?
Why are we so worried about economic decline if we're so busy spending our money on iTouch games and kasmir scarves?
All we've been hearing as of that is the financial crisis we've been going through. I'm sure that, in the long run, it'll affect me somewhere down the line, but it's been all rainbows and sunshine in my world. Specifically, the cost of gas has gone down $0.40/L or so over the past few months. Cool! My gas bill is decreased by $25 or so. And, when I inquired about filling my furnace-oil-tank a few months ago it was going to cost me about $1100 to fill. Now, it's only about $810. Awesome!
Who said we were in a financiapocalypse?
Woah. That's a good word. Financiapocalypse.
I'm going to write a song with that title.
It's going to be a hit.
I make my living off of itouch games.. most of them only cost $0.99 or free. So don't hate on them k?
Only the bad ones cost $0.99
I *heart* Monkey-Ball
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